Sunday, February 8, 2009

Planter's Punch

*I've had this recipe since 2003, when it appeared in the December issue of delicious magazine. This is very well road-tested, and be warned: it is lethal! It doesn't taste it, but trust me, it is. As a responsible host, make sure you warn your guests in case they think it's just lolly water! And as with all good punches, feel free to add more or less of the ingredients to suit your taste.

1 bottle dry white wine (recent vintage)
1 litre orange juice
1 litre pinepple juice
2 cups (500 ml) lime juice (the squeeze bottle variety is fine)
1 bottle white rum
1 1/2 cups of dark rum
1/2 cup grenadine
1x 2 kg bag of ice
handful of chopped and whole fresh mint

Add all this to a punch bowl, or in the case of the half-warming, it was in a stainless steel pail. Stir and ladle into cups.

Great with vodka-cured watermelon too (Jamie Oliver-inspired from The Naked Chef 2) - simply put a funnel through a whole watermelon and feed it with vodka or champagne over a few days. Use a long metal skewer to create channels through the watermelon and encourage the alcohol to spread. However, note that the vodka has a tendency to pool in one place in the watermelon, and in our case, the watermelon fermented because we had a few very hot days and the watermelon wasn't in the fridge while we were feeding it. Putting the cubed watermelon in the punch was an inspired idea by the Hubby! He's not just a good shag... ;)

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